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今日の歩数: 4995歩 4.25km 156.4cal 0:34'5"

Started going back to Japanese class today. I took a short intro lesson. The material that they were using is Minna no Nihongo which I think I have pretty well covered. I want to start reviewing level 2 JLPT grammar and then start in on level 1 grammar. We'll have to see how it goes. I will try going twice a week if possible.

We got new bikes and rode to Costco. The way that is most direct also turned out to be longer. We had most of the stuff we bought sent home so that was good. I found a 1kg bag of protein for about 3500 yen. I know that is mad expensive so I might look into getting a bag off the net. I know the shipping to Japan is like 40 bucks but the exchange rate is pretty good and if I were to just buy 3kgs from Costco that would already be a 10kg bag off the net.

Like I said I went back to my old pedometer program today as I just find it tracks my run more accurately, if maybe not misrepresenting my distance a bit (on the short side). Today as my run was short I tried to build up speed. I know that I can run for about an hour and a half if I try but it is at a very moderate speed. I think I need to also build up speed. I hope on Thursday to try a 2 hour run. Hmmm...

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