Today was not so cool. Although I was able to to my 10k in under an hour today my body felt it. I have to believe that the actions of last Friday (getting totally wasted and throwing up) and not sleeping well all weekend has taken a toll on my stamina. So the message? Don't do that kinda dumb shizzy until AFTER the marathon.
I am going to Taiwan next week so I might miss out on my 10k run, so I'll probably stick to the 10k then 20k run for another two weeks. After that I would like to "upgrade" to a 15k, 25k, schedule. I think that by running 40km a week that would help to prepare me better.
In other news unrelated I found a great new thing to make, chicken and rice soup! This soup however is made more or less from scratch. I found that if you boil the remains of a chicken and get some good concentrated broth out of it then just add some simple cut up chicken, carrots, onion, and put it over rice it is great grand daddy delicious! Wayyy simpler than I thought it would be too!
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